XM1 Abrams Prototype

I did mesh clean up, optimization, unwrap, and texturing of this asset for Red Alert: A Path Beyond ("APB"). About 90% of the modeling was done by another team member before being passed onto me for the finishing steps. APB is a free mod that recreates Command & Conquer Red Alert as a first/third person shooter.

Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype Textures

The W3D engine that APB uses dates back to 2002 so it didn't support any kind of PBR workflow but at the time I textured this asset we were experimenting with hacking in support for more modern shading models and texture map types such as specular and normal so I included them. I don't believe that ever came to fruition so the albedo was the only map that was used.

Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype Abrams Prototype